Website Terms of Use

This website is operated and managed by Topcon Corporation (hereinafter, “the company”) or its agents. Upon the use of this website, users shall be deemed to have consented to these terms of use. In addition, the contents of these terms of use are subject to change without prior notice. The revised versions will be posted in such cases, and it is thus requested that the updated contents be duly confirmed.


The use of this website shall be conducted at the responsibility of the user. The company makes no guarantee of the contents carried on this website, with the said contents subject to change or deletion without prior notice.


Moreover, the company also makes no guarantee with regard to either the functions or the security of this website, while the operation of this website is subject to suspension or termination without prior notice. The company likewise assumes no responsibility, regardless of the reason, for any damages occurring as a result of circumstances including mistakes, changes or deletions of posted contents, problems on this website or the suspension or termination of the operation of this website, or for any damages resulting from the use of any type of information acquired from this website or from other websites to which this website provides links.


The copyrights for the contents on this website (writings, diagrams, pictures, photographs, images, sounds, etc.) all belong either to the company or to the parties retaining the rights to those contents, and are protected by the copyright laws, relevant agreements and other legislation in the specific countries in question. It should be noted that use of this information for aims exceeding private purposes or the sphere explicitly recognized by law (referring to reproduction, alternation, public transmission (including the move to transmissible form), screening, distribution, transfer, lending, adaptation, etc.) is prohibited.


The rights pertaining to the company names, trademarks and marks of the company, the company’s corporate affiliates or other companies used on this website are protected under the trademarks law, the unfair competition prevention law and other relevant legislation. These entities may not be used without obtaining the consent of the company, the company’s corporate affiliates or other companies, etc.
Export Control

When exporting technologies or programs obtained or products purchased through this website (including taking such items to other countries or disclosure of them to nonresidents in Japan), compliance is requested with the foreign exchange and foreign trade law, the US export administration act and other applicable laws and ordinances.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

This website may be accessed from countries governed by different laws. Notwithstanding, unless otherwise provided, the use of this website and the application of these terms of use shall be conducted in accordance with the laws of Japan. With regard to all disputes pertaining to this website, the Tokyo district court shall serve as the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court of first instance unless otherwise provided.


As a general rule, the company elects to decline acceptance of outside proposals pertaining to matters such as new products, technologies, designs, manufacturing methods, publicity and advertising and marketing. Your kind understanding is requested of our position in this regard.


In the event, however, that outside parties choose to submit proposals regardless of the aforementioned stance, the company requests prior understanding on the part of such submitting parties that, as a general rule, all such proposals shall be considered to have been submitted on the basis of consent with the following conditions.

  • The company shall be subject to no obligation of confidentiality with regard to proposals that have been sent. Nor shall the company be under any obligation to respond.
  • The company shall be subject to no obligation to exam, evaluate or adopt proposals that have been sent.
  • Even in the event of adoption of proposals identical or similar to proposals that have been sent, the company shall be under no obligation toward the submitter of the proposal, including the payment of compensation, etc.
Prohibited Acts

Upon engaging in the use of this website, the following acts must be avoided.

  • Acts infringing upon areas such as the property and privacy of third parties or the company or posing risks of such infringement.
  • Acts defaming, slanderous or intimidating to third parties or to the company.
  • Acts detrimental or damaging to third parties or to the company.
  • Acts defaming to the reputation or trust of third parties or the company.
  • Acts offensive to public order and morals or posing risks of being offensive in that manner.
  • Use or supply of computer viruses or other harmful programs or acts posing risks of such use or supply.
  • Registration of the e-mail addresses of other parties or other acts involving false reports or notifications.
  • Violations of laws or acts with the potential for legal violations.

On this website, JavaScript is adopted in the interest of achieving more comfortable use. For comfortable use of all functions and contents, it is recommended that JavaScript be turned on at the browser setting.

* When JavaScript is turned off, there may be cases when the functions do not work or the contents are not displayed correctly.


On this website, with the aim of supplying higher quality contents, there will be cases when a Cookie is used to obtain information for identifying user computers.

The Cookies used on this website do not infringe upon user privacy, nor do they adversely impact computers. Moreover, if users do not directly input personal information in this website, it is impossible to identify specific individuals. While it is possible to suppress the use of a Cookie by changing browser settings and other means, such actions may result in the inability to utilize certain contents or functions.


Cookies Used to Measure and Assess the Website Usages

[Google Analytics]

Google Analytics Terms of Service

Google Privacy Policy

[User Insight]

User Local Privacy Policy


Upon reading and consenting to the following “Link to this website” sections and acting in accordance with the “Link Establishment Methods,” it shall be possible to establish links to this website regardless of whether the said links are commercial or noncommercial in nature, or located on the Internet or on an intranet.

Link to this website
  • The company shall assume no obligation with regard to troubles, compensation for damages or other conditions capable of occurring due to links.
  • No promise is made that the information, website addresses and other contents on this website shall remain unchanged on a permanent basis. The said contents are subject to change without prior notice.
  • The Topcon logo may not be used in providing links. (Use of the Topcon logo requires approval from the company)
  • Links may not be used that obscure the fact that this is the company’s website or cause misunderstandings among third parties.
  • Links corresponding to the “Prohibited Acts” section in these terms of use may not be used.
  • Upon confirmation of violations of any of the aforementioned matters or upon notice from the company to delete links, compliance with such requests shall be required.
Link Establishment Methods

Links may only be established leading to the top page of this website (

To set links for other pages, clarify the desired website address and the address of your website on which the link will be established, and place inquiries through the “Inquiry Form.” Understanding is requested that website addresses other than that for the top page are subject to change without prior notice even if no changes are made in the top page website address.

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